

“To make Highgate green and sustainable.”

Why it matters

Sustainability is fundamental to everything we want to achieve for Highgate. These important issues were integrated throughout the Plan but we are keen that they become the focus for future initiatives.

What we’re doing

There are also many local organisations actively working on issues including solar panels, recycling, community planting and electric vehicles.

Highgate Environmental Network (HEN)

We support and are part of an eco/sustainability network of organisations and projects in Highgate. Other members include: LUX, Highgate Society Sustainable Living group, Lauderdale House, Transition Highgate and Omved Gardens, and other groups have been invited to join.

Build Back Better Highgate campaign

There is a growing movement of people calling on the government to “build back better” as the world recovers from the coronavirus pandemic. They want a new deal that puts communities – not profits – first so that life is safer and fairer for everybody.

During the Highgate Festival 2020, we facilitated a virtual launch event for Build Back Better Highgate. Speakers discussed the social, economic and environmental foundations of Build Back Better movement, with an emphasis on looking forward at how society can be restructured for the benefit of all.


Bike hangars – a good thing?

Bike hangars – a good thing?

We have two - only two! - bike hangars in the Forum area. Are they a good thing? One hangar (on Hillcrest) is reportedly well-used while the other (on Winchester Road) is not. The lack of hangars is odd as, as the map shows, there are hundreds east of Highgate. Why...

Highgate’s pollution

Highgate’s pollution

Two major transport themes in the Forum's work in 2018 will be buses and parking. A core on these issues is pollution: Highgate High Street, Highgate Hill and Archway Road have above legal levels of air pollution. This blog sets out the background and summarises the...

Air quality update

Air quality update

The Highgate community crowd-funded a second air quality survey and this blog presents the results. The main conclusions: 1. Highgate’s main thoroughfares still have illegal levels of (NO2) air pollution. 2. Overall air quality has not changed in the last year – where...

Highgate needs YOU

The Forum is made up of people like you who care about making Highgate a better place to live and work. Come join us!