Highgate Conservation Area Advisory Committee (HCAAC)

by | Nov 12, 2019 | Plan | 3 comments

Highgate Conservation Area Advisory Committee (HCAAC) was set up under the terms of the legislation creating Conservation Areas, the 1967 Civic Amenities Act. Local authorities were given powers to establish them to operate in individual Conservation Areas. Under the terms of the 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act local authorities must produce an Appraisal of each Conservation Area (CA) within their boundaries giving full details of the features which make it of special interest. They must also produce a Management Plan to ensure that these features and the Conservation Area as a whole are protected and enhanced where possible.

Conservation Area Advisory Committees (CAACs) are a way for members of the general public with an interest in heritage to help the council in managing and protecting the historic environment. They allow amenity societies, independent experts, and local residents and businesses to get involved with the planning process. The groups are voluntary, and members decide how they are run, and what area they cover.

Highgate Conservation Area is unusual in being situated in two boroughs, Camden and Haringey. It also abuts CAs in Islington and Barnet as well as Holly Lodge CA and Dartmouth Park CA in Camden.

(See map of Highgate CA at: https://live.staticflickr.com/6162/6257979712_64cb46257d_b.jpg)

Highgate CAAC has been involved in many planning issues including the attempts to develop the Highgate Bowl and the threatened demolition of Athlone House. In smaller matters our attention to detail and determined objections to unsuitable development has ensured that Highgate has maintained its special atmosphere and architectural diversity for all to enjoy.

The Highgate CAAC usually meets every 3-4 weeks. At its meetings the plans for new applications are discussed and our response agreed. We also receive reports of meetings and events concerning bodies of importance to Highgate such as Hampstead Heath and Kenwood. We keep abreast of new developments in things like the plans for waste disposal in North London, the development scheme for Archway, and we comment when it seems appropriate.

HCAAC is  keen to recruit new members to the Committee. We would like the Committee to be widely representative, with as far as possible one member from each local association or neighbourhood in the CA. The best qualification for members is to have a real interest in and concern for Highgate and its special character. Professional qualifications in architecture or planning can be very helpful when looking at complicated planning applications but are not essential. We look forward to hearing from potential new members.

If you would like to join the Committee please send an outline of your interest in conservation matters to highgatecaac@gmail.com as soon as possible. Your application will be acknowledged and a response will be sent as soon as possible.


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  1. Peter Walton

    Hi Anthony
    I’m very worried about 37 North Road. The front is ruinous and I understand the back is worse – open windows allowing rain in etc. Front also a danger to callers from falling masonry. Its part of a lovely and important run of Regency houses. Needs urgent action.

  2. joe

    Has HCAAC been silenced by HNF from making a comment on the application for BMX bike trail? or HCAAC= HNF.
    Does it mean HNF and HCAAC are self-serving enterprises with shared committee members who should not accountable to the public since both are not elected by public.

    Shame on you HCAA!

    • Maggy Meade-King

      Actually Joe, the Highgate Neighbourhood Forum Committee is elected by the public at our AGM each year and indeed, the active play area was also voted for by Highgate residents as a priority for CIL spending at the time of the formulation of the neighbourhood plan (itself subject to extensive Consultation, Independent Examination and a Referendum of all those on the electoral roll in Highgate). In addition, there has been several community consultation events addressing the play area in the last couple of years. I am afraid I don’t know how the CAACs are appointed as I have never been involved with them – only one of their number are on the HNF Committee, as are members of other Highgate organisations + residents’ associations etc. I don’t see how either organisation can be described as ‘self serving enterprises’ as everyone concerned is a volunteer with nothing to gain from any project, other than the satisfaction of filling a local need.


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