Eco action in Highgate

by | Feb 16, 2021 | Open Spaces, Plan, Social & Community, Sustainability | 1 comment

Transition Highgate and HNF have been granted Bounce Forward funding from the Transition Network to take forward a project delivering local climate action. The three core elements of the project are; a local pop-up info and exchange space, Community Top 10 local actions implemented, and an Eco Teen Leaders campaign. We are looking forward to working with organisations and groups locally to deliver these.

Sustainability forms part of the ambitions for Highgate set out in the Neighbourhood Plan. With both Haringey and Camden developing and implementing ambitious Climate Action plans, the HNF set up an informal network of local groups involved in climate action to share information and work together on projects. The Highgate Eco Network (HEN) is made of local groups and open to anyone. Please email if you are interested in getting involved or receiving updates at or visit

Walking and Cycling, Open Spaces and Green Corridors

HNF Committee have also set up a working party to address the forthcoming Haringey draft strategies on Walking &Cycling and Open Spaces & Parks, as well as equivalent Camden policies. We will also be working on mapping Highgate’s vital ecological green corridors. If you would like to help with this exercise – hopefully ‘on the ground’ as Lockdown restrictions lift – please contact us via

Mini forests on Thames Water sites

Work has started for a dense mini forest on the Thames Water site in the village to improve biodiversity and sink carbon. The planting will follow the shape of the plot and work around existing planting, leaving wide open corridors around the outside to maintain views and allow Thames to conduct routine maintenance. Borders with woodland-edge flowering perennials and native grasses to provide habitat for local wildlife. The next project is planned for the Alymer Road reservoir. For more information

For news of other green projects funded by neighbourhood CIL monies in Highgate, check out our CIL update


1 Comment

  1. Richard Sumray

    I have tried without success to contact Dream for Trees about the mini forest on the Thames Water area in Highgate. i live opposite in Highgate West Hill and did not know anything about the project until reading about it in the Ham & High today. I wonder why, as a resident within feet of the project I was not contacted or consulted to ask for my views. The principles seem fine to me and, in that sense, I am supportive but, as there will clearly be an impact, our views should have been elicited.


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