Road safety and speeds in Highgate

Road safety and speeds in Highgate

Road safety is important. There is a need to make street life safer and feel safer. If our streets are more appealing places to be more people will use them as pedestrians and cyclists, encouraging a greener and healthier lifestyle. Making progress on this is a...
Forum response to 271 consultation

Forum response to 271 consultation

The Forum offers its strong support for moving the 271 terminus to North Road as set out in the proposed a scheme – Our aims have been to: • Improve bus interconnections, and facilitate east-west journeys •...
Putting bins away

Putting bins away

Do your bins get put back in the garden after the refuse collector has emptied them? Not everywhere they don’t! According to the Haringey website the expected practice is clear enough. “The evening before collection day, please: Put your wheelie bin as...
271 terminus chaos – in pictures

271 terminus chaos – in pictures

Another forum blog explains the logic behind the TfL proposal to change the 271 terminus location, which is being consulted on until 13 March. Here we just wanted to share some images that demonstrate the problems that can arise near the turnaround and cause...

Improving the W5 “hail and ride”

Living just off Archway Road, and with a bus-obsessed three-year-old, I see a lot of the 43, 134 and 263. But there’s another bus that runs close to me – the W5. How close? Hard to say. It’s passed me, but I’ve rarely managed to catch it. The W5 is one of numerous...