Vote for the Neighbourhood Plan

Vote for the Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan is being put to a public referendum on Thursday 6 July. Everyone on the Electoral Roll in the Highgate Neighbourhood Forum Area will receive a polling card in the usual way. We hope you will support the plan prepared over the last few years by...

AGM and launch of Plan on May 8

We will be holding our 2017 AGM on Monday 8 May at 7.30pm at Lauderdale House, Highgate Hill. Catherine West MP and our local Councillors will fittingly be there to help us launch the first cross-Borough Neighbourhood Plan. Please join us to hear more about the Plan...

Plan Referendum will be on July 6

Camden and Haringey Councils will hold a referendum on the Highgate Neighbourhood Plan on July 6, 2017. All those on the electoral roll and living in the Forum area will be eligible to vote. We hope everyone will make an effort to do so as the higher the turnout and...

Plan Examiner’s Report published

We are pleased to say that the Independent Examiner of our Neighbourhood Plan (Jill Kingaby of Intelligent Plans) has now submitted her Report. It is highly supportive of our efforts and her approach is neatly summed up in her final paragraph: “I appreciate that...

Neighbourhood Plan under examination

Camden and Haringey Councils formally consulted on the Highgate Neighbourhood Plan in November 2016 and the responses they received can be viewed here. You can also read correspondence from the Independent Examiner and the Forum’s response to the comments from...
Haringey’s response on CIL spending

Haringey’s response on CIL spending

Subject: Community Infrastructure Levy – Panel Report On behalf of Cllr Eugene Akwasi-Ayisi Dear David and Rachel Apologies for the delay in responding, but thank you for your emails regarding the Community Infrastructure Levy report of the Housing &...