October 2018 newsletter

October 2018 newsletter

Hello everyone! CIL money to enhance Holly Lodge Community Centre Holly Lodge CC has been granted £6,850 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) monies by Camden Council. This will provide improved facilities for the Centre, including computers for homework club, improved...
CIL money for Holly Lodge Community Centre

CIL money for Holly Lodge Community Centre

Holly Lodge Community Centre has been granted the following from the Community Investment Levy with the full support of local councillors: Hearing loop kit –                                                                                  £264 inc VAT Hearing...
October 2018 newsletter

September 2018 HNF newsletter

Hello everyone We have a new website, thanks to a Ward Grant from Haringey Council, awarded by our local Councillors. We hope it will make it easier for you to see what we are doing, join in or propose your own ideas. Take a look and let us know what you think on...

What’s in the Neighbourhood Plan? A summary

The Highgate Neighbourhood Plan is a long and complicated document, which has to be written in “planning speak” as it will – if passed at Referendum – become the the planning regulations for Highgate. What follows is, hopefully, a clear summary of its...