About Highgate
This is a snapshot of Highgate in numbers, at the time we published the Neighbourhood Plan in 2017:
- 18,000 residents in 8,000 households
- about 3,300 under 30s and 3,300 over 60s
- covers nearly 5m sq metres – equivalent to 700 football pitches
- gained 1,800 people, a 10% increase in the last decade
- 27% of it is garden, and 44% green space
- reported 1,600 crimes in the past year, one for every five households with anti-social behaviour and vehicle crime topping the list
- over a half owner occupiers and a third who rent privately
- has more road (11% of area) than domestic buildings (9%)
- 7,000 cars owned by its residents
- three out of ten residents born abroad
- contains schools with more than 3,000 pupils
- about 1,000 residents aged over 75 and 140 over 90

2021 update on CIL spending
The Covid Pandemic has had an impact on Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) spending in both Haringey and Camden and will do so for some time to come. In Haringey, they have decided to postpone consulting on Round 2 Neighbourhood CIL projects until 2022. This is...

Our response to the Haringey Local Plan consultation
Highgate Neighbourhood Forum response to Haringey Local Plan Consultation January 2021 The Highgate Neighbourhood Forum welcomes the opportunity to comment on the new Local Plan for Haringey and looks forward to working with the Council to deliver improvements in the...

Christmas Celebrations in Highgate: December 2020 newsletter
It's going to be a strange Christmas this year but Highgate organisations are pulling out all the stops to keep the show on the road. The Highgate Society have organised the Highgate and Muswell Hill Brass Band to play to accompany some late night Christmas shopping...
Highgate needs YOU
The Forum is made up of people like you who care about making Highgate a better place to live and work. Come join us!
Email us at info@forhighgate.org