New multi use active outdoor zone

by | Mar 4, 2020 | CIL, Open Spaces, Social & Community | 0 comments

An exciting project to transform the current makeshift BMX tracks next to Highgate Library on Shepherds Hill into a multi use loop and active outdoor zone for children and young people has been approved to go forward into Round 1 of Haringey CIL spending this year.

After extensive consultation with current users and local parents, Haringey Parks Department, BMX and other cycle organisations and the local Police Safer Neighbourhood Team, a scheme has been created by local design and architecture studio Room 102. It will provide a low maintenance loop for biking, BMX, skating and scooting. A separate nature trail for younger children will be introduced on the northern, densely-wooded part of the site, with bug hotels, bird boxes and info about the bat habitat in the adjacent disused train tunnels. It is hoped that the presence of adults providing cycle maintenance support + TCV conservation volunteers, helping to maintain a much improved and less neglected-looking site, will also be a deterrant to the anti-social behaviour which has been a problem in the area.

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