Replacing Highgate street trees

by | Feb 28, 2020 | CIL, Open Spaces | 0 comments

A project – led by HNF Trees Lead Louise Lewis – to replace street trees in Highgate which have been felled for various reasons has been approved by the Haringey Planning Policy team. It will go forward into the first round of Haringey Community Infrastructure (CIL) spending in 2020. The HNF and the Highgate Society asked members, residents’ associations and people in the HNF Tree Group where there were trees missing from their roads and – with the support of Haringey’s Tree Officer – came up with a list of 40 trees across the Haringey side of Highgate. The Haringey Tree Department will deliver the project, including maintaining the trees for their first crucial three years, at an estimated cost of for planting and maintenance of £600 per tree. The project has yet to be approved by the full Council and, in any case, won’t be delivered until the optimum planting time in the Autumn. But something for us all to look forward to, with all the joy and environmental benefits that trees bring.

A similar scheme is being drawn up for the Camden side of Highgate.



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