Meeting to hear results of air quality tests

by | Apr 15, 2016 | Sustainability | 0 comments

On Tuesday 26 April there is a public meeting 6.30–9pm at St Stephens Rosslyn Hill (details here). Come and hear the facts from experts and discuss what could and should be done to make London’s air safe to breathe.

The meeting should be lively and aims to both inform and inspire action. Speaking:

  • Prof. Frank Kelly’s Environmental Research Group at Kings College has led research into the health impacts of London’s air pollution
  • Simon Birkett is the founder of the Clean Air London campaign
  • Alan Andrews is a member of Client Earth, the legal charity that took the British government to court
  • Nicky Gavron is a member of the London Assembly and a campaigner for protecting schoolchildren from air pollution
  • Siân Berry is a councillor for Highgate, candidate for Mayor of London, and led the first air pollution study in Dartmouth Park (she might have to send a colleague)

The meeting is hosted by Castle Debates and will be chaired by environmental lawyer Pamela Castle OBE.

The Hampstead Neighbourhood Forum will join other neighbourhood forums and groups displaying the results of their own air pollution studies; also campaigns and organisations working for clean air. The full Highgate results are not yet ready but the highlights will be on display. We hope to have the full results published within a week of the meeting.

After the presentations there will be an opportunity to engage with the main speakers in a ‘café’ format, and to find out how you can help to get London’s air safe to breathe.

We hope to see you there!