

“To make Highgate green and sustainable.”

Why it matters

Sustainability is fundamental to everything we want to achieve for Highgate. These important issues were integrated throughout the Plan but we are keen that they become the focus for future initiatives.

What we’re doing

There are also many local organisations actively working on issues including solar panels, recycling, community planting and electric vehicles.

Highgate Environmental Network (HEN)

We support and are part of an eco/sustainability network of organisations and projects in Highgate. Other members include: LUX, Highgate Society Sustainable Living group, Lauderdale House, Transition Highgate and Omved Gardens, and other groups have been invited to join.

Build Back Better Highgate campaign

There is a growing movement of people calling on the government to “build back better” as the world recovers from the coronavirus pandemic. They want a new deal that puts communities – not profits – first so that life is safer and fairer for everybody.

During the Highgate Festival 2020, we facilitated a virtual launch event for Build Back Better Highgate. Speakers discussed the social, economic and environmental foundations of Build Back Better movement, with an emphasis on looking forward at how society can be restructured for the benefit of all.


Putting bins away

Putting bins away

Do your bins get put back in the garden after the refuse collector has emptied them? Not everywhere they don't! According to the Haringey website the expected practice is clear enough. "The evening before collection day, please: Put your wheelie bin as close to the...

HNF Community Energy Group: ideas and progress

The Community Energy Group was active from July 2015 and full of ideas to deliver community energy schemes. These schemes have been popular around the UK and essentially offer local people the chance to invest in solar (or wind or other types). They offered a modest...

Highgate’s air

Highgate’s air

You can be in Highgate or on the Heath looking down at the City and west end and see what looks like a layer of smog. There are widely-reported health warnings, with a major one in April this year, and a quick online search for London smog images reveals eerily...

Highgate needs YOU

The Forum is made up of people like you who care about making Highgate a better place to live and work. Come join us!