Hampstead Heath Dam News

by | Jun 8, 2015 | Development & Heritage, Open Spaces | 0 comments

Works on the Hampstead Heath Ponds have started in earnest. Although most amenity groups were against the works, the City of London pressed ahead with their plans, won a judicial review and got planning permission from Camden. So we must now grin and bear it for the next two years. Here’s where to follow the news:
  • On the Heath itself, where the City has been putting up boards when an area is affected by work.
  • The City’s own web pages are the “official” place to go. It is really not as update and vibrant as had been hoped for. The final link on that page to the Community working group is one place to monitor local surveillance of the project. Meetings of the Hampstead Heath consultative committee are another source of information.
  • Of all the local bodies, the Health and Hampstead Society has been in the lead, notably on the judicial review. Its site is good as is that of the independently run ProtectOurPonds.
  • Twitter accounts include:

@boatingpondnews – focussed on the model boating pond

@damnonsense – gives a good account of events in 2014

@citycorpheath – the City’s own account

There’s no need to have a twitter account to see these pages (just Google “twitter” and the account name, for example “twitter @boatingpondnews”.

Please do let us know of any other sources of news.