by Simon Briscoe | Nov 5, 2018 | Plan, Traffic & Transport
Single yellow lines make little sense to us given the pressure on parking in Highgate. Either the spaces should be for parking or not? If they are for parking, they should be round the clock – and the community should decide whether they are for shoppers, residents or...
by Maggy Meade-King | Nov 1, 2018 | News, Traffic & Transport
We listened to what you had to say about new bus routes to connect Highgate to its neighbours to the east and west and have come up with a new route (see map above). Do let us know what you think about it in the comment box below. We would also like to hear your ideas...
by Simon Briscoe | Oct 2, 2018 | News, Traffic & Transport
TfL has launched a consultation about reducing various bus services. The bit that affects Highgate is the proposal to withdraw the 271 night service on all nights. The Forum would like to hear your views and would encourage anyone with strong views to respond...
by Simon Briscoe | Sep 24, 2018 | News, Traffic & Transport
Reducing speeding and improving road safety are high priorities for the Forum. This is a request to all residents of Highgate to help us identify the danger spots. Please respond with your comments below and in particular let us know of any damage that is still...
by Simon Briscoe | Sep 24, 2018 | News, Traffic & Transport
A persisting concern of Highgate residents is the large number of heavy lorries (HGVs) passing through the area, particularly along Highgate Hill and North Hill. One of the Forum’s members (Richard Webber) has produced a paper on this topic. The paper has been...
by Simon Briscoe | Jan 30, 2018 | Traffic & Transport
When Camden announced that it was going to review the provision of CPZ spaces in the CA-U zone (see the Forum blog and the map below), The Forum and Highgate Society decided to do some research to find out more about the availability of kerb space in that part of the...