Crime prevention event

Crime prevention event

A crime prevention event is being held on Saturday 13 October (10am – 4pm) at Hornsey Library (Haringey Park, Crouch End). You can meet and speak with local Police officers from Highgate and Crouch End Safer Neighbourhood Team and meet various providers of...
September 2018 HNF newsletter

September 2018 HNF newsletter

Hello everyone We have a new website, thanks to a Ward Grant from Haringey Council, awarded by our local Councillors. We hope it will make it easier for you to see what we are doing, join in or propose your own ideas. Take a look and let us know what you think on...

What’s in the Neighbourhood Plan? A summary

The Highgate Neighbourhood Plan is a long and complicated document, which has to be written in “planning speak” as it will – if passed at Referendum – become the the planning regulations for Highgate. What follows is, hopefully, a clear summary of its...

Final Plan published

We have now published the final version of the Highgate Neighbourhood Plan, which will be put to the voters of Highgate at a Referendum in July. You can read it here.
CIL spending list

CIL spending list

We have published the results of the poll on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) spending list we undertook during the Consultation on our Draft Neighbourhood Plan from 14 December 2015 until 7 February 2016. The ideas you voted on arose out of the work on the...