September 2018 HNF newsletter

by | Oct 3, 2018 | Plan | 0 comments

Hello everyone

We have a new website, thanks to a Ward Grant from Haringey Council, awarded by our local Councillors. We hope it will make it easier for you to see what we are doing, join in or propose your own ideas. Take a look and let us know what you think on

Projects and campaigns
The Forum is a way to get involved with projects, issues and campaigns you care about in Highgate. We are working on many issues – take a look at the website home page to see the range – but here are some key projects we would especially like you to get involved with. Please email us on the address above if you are interested in joining a working team.

  • Visit Highgate – tourism plan to support our businesses and cultural organisations
  • Tree Group – mapping and protecting our wonderful trees
  • Clean-up Highgate – working against pollution, litter and plastic
  • Highgate Festival – cultural celebration of all things Highgate

New blogs
Of course, traffic and transport are always issues in Highgate and the Forum is working with the Councils and TfL on a number of matters. There are two new blogs on the website – about Accident Black Spots and HGV Weight Limits – do have a look and give us your comments.

Highgate Festival 2018

I hope you made it to some of the exciting Highgate Festival events this summer. In case you didn’t, there are some short blogs about two of the events – the No Planet B sustainability evening and the Re-imagining Highgate community drawing workshop – on the website.

Highgate Events

The Waterlow Park Trust Advisory Group AGM will include a talk on the Power of Parks by HNF Chair Alicia Pivaro – see poster on right for more details.

And check out the Highgate Calendar for a listing of all the community and cultural events in Highgate.

Neighbouring events

You have just got time to catch some of the events in the East Finchley Arts Festival, where some of the proceeds will go to Highgate”s Harington Scheme. More information here.

We plan to produce this newsletter regularly in future, so do let us know via if you want us to include a campaign or an event you are running.

Alicia Pivaro
Chair Highgate Neighbourhood Forum


Earth Day Biodiversity Brainstorm inspires

Earth Day Biodiversity Brainstorm inspires

As part of local Earth Day celebrations, LUX is hosted a Biodiversity Brainstorm on Saturday 22 April from 2–4pm. We heard from local activists about projects to support and increase our biodiversity. 2–3pm: Speakers: Jeska Harrington Gould, Growing Green Simon Olley,...


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