Plans for play areas in Parkland Walk and Shepherd’s Hill

by | Jul 5, 2023 | CIL, Open Spaces, Social & Community, Sustainability | 1 comment

We have had an update from Haringey Parks Project Officer Jake Jones on our two CIL-fuinded play projects:

Parkland Walk Play

We are looking to install a play trail using natural materials which help people connect with Parkland Walk through play. This scheme has been going for the last 3 years and we have run multiple consultation events and working with different stakeholders. The nature play will have lots of different playful features which will link the Parkland Walk together and give children an opportunity to play in a natural environment.

The idea will link the playful elements with brass rubbings – subtle signs which link to the Parkland Walks railway history. The idea so far is to use existing figure posts, and new play features which will be installed sympathetically along the edge of Parkland Walk.

The playful features will be added along the Highgate Section of Parkland Walk on the edge of the walk. We have highlighted sections of parkland walk where the impact of such installations will be minimal and the opportunity of habitat improvements maximised.

The playful element ideas are linked with the history of the site and look to provide extra habitat for the wildlife on the reserve. New habitat piles and potential Bug hotels/ bird baths will be added to provide habitat and watering spots for wildlife. As seen by the diagram below:

The playful elements will be constructed of natural materials and will combine different playful designs such as Stepping Logs, Log Circles / Balancing Beams. The idea is they will be constructed in such a way which will blend into the walk and illustrate the historic railway history of the site.

The timeline for installation we are aiming for is to complete this project by the end of the year by working closely with local stakeholders and ensuring the elements are sympathetic to the surrounding areas.

Shepherd’s Hill BMX active play space

New improvements to the informal BMX track at Shepherd Hill are in motion. We are currently going through the process of getting planning for formalising the track. The project will be a long-term investment, transforming a currently neglected space into an attractive active pocket park. The aim is to enrich the public realm, preserve and enhance local wildlife whilst benefiting the community.

The new track being created will be a BMX pump track with two loops for different competencies of user. A smaller simpler inner loop and a more complicated loop on the outside. Within the project we will be looking to improve the accessibility and the habitat at Shepherd’s Hill to improve the area for years to come.

The timeline of installation of the BMX track will depend on the planning decision. We are aiming to get this completed by the end of the year.

If you have any questions regarding the projects, please email the council using


1 Comment

  1. Nicola E

    Wonderful news to read about the improvement / creation of public realm spaces in this part of Haringey.


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